
Demo of the game we made in the Micro Jam 013: Lava Pompeii fire brigade.

How To Play

  - Grab coins and put them on the Blueprint Book to buy new buildings.

  - Houses generates money over time, but will catch fire when touching the lava

  - Towers can extinguish fires on adjacent tiles and can move around one tile at a time, but will be instantaneously destroyed when touching the lava

  - Beware, lava can also destroy coins (even in the shop >:D)

  - Unlock new buildings with the Workshop. After unlocking everything you can buy the Escape Balloon

  - If you manage to buy the Escape Balloon, you win!

Hope you'll enjoy the game!


Godot, Figma, Blender

Our team

Code : C0dyy

Art : Pav

Game Design : Everyone

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